Poll Finds Massachusetts’ Second District Wants Welfare Reform

Results from a poll released this week by the Opportunity Solutions Project (OSP) found that voters in Massachusetts’ second district support food stamp welfare reforms included in the 2018 Farm Bill,

The poll found that 75% of district two voters support requiring able-bodied, working-age adults to work or participate in a job training program at least part-time in order to receive food stamps. 84% of voters, including 79% of democrats, want states to implement data-sharing to help stop fraudulent benefit collection in multiple states simultaneously.

In addition, the poll found that:

  • 82% of voters support efforts to combat welfare fraud that limit the number of times an individual can request an EBT card replacement without review
  • 73% of voters want states to check the assets of individuals applying for food stamps
  • 76% of voters want child support enforcement for food stamp recipients
  • 70% of voters believe that states should eliminate waiver loopholes in counties with less than ten percent unemployment

“Voters in Massachusetts’ second district have made their preferences loud and clear-they want  food stamp reforms that ensure welfare program integrity, promote the dignity of work, and preserve resources for the truly needy,” said Kristina Rasmussen, Vice President of Federal Affairs for OSP. “It’s time that their representatives take these preferences with them back to Washington.”

Opportunity Solutions Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization that seeks to improve lives by advocating for public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, and a limited, accountable government.
