OSP Applauds New Pro-Consumer Health Care Executive Order

  • Post category:Health Care

Washington, DC — The Opportunity Solutions Project (OSP) issued the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s executive order that will improve health care quality and price transparency for consumers.

“The Trump administration is set to shake up the health care industry and arm consumers with the information they need to make the right decisions for themselves and their families,” said Josh Archambault, visiting fellow at OSP. “Failing to disclose the prices of health care procedures and services harms individuals with chronic conditions trying to afford care, raises premiums for individuals and businesses, and harms the uninsured. Every dollar wasted on overpaying for health care is one less dollar for Americans to pay for gas, food, or education expenses. If we truly want a patient-focused health care system, increasing price transparency is a vital first step.”

OSP has submitted public comments to HHS supporting efforts to increase transparency and lower health care costs. These comments also highlight meaningful bipartisan transparency that has passed at the state level. Read the full comments here.


Opportunity Solutions Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization that seeks to improve lives by advocating for public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, and a limited, accountable government.